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- Economics (Print inkl. E-Book Edubase, Neuauflage 2025)
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Economics (Print inkl. E-Book Edubase, Neuauflage 2025)
for Secondary Schools and Further Education in Switzerland
Economics (Print inkl. E-Book Edubase, Neuauflage 2025)
for Secondary Schools and Further Education in Switzerland
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Erweiterte Beschreibung
Why is the standard of living in China improving so rapidly? What is the impact of high oil prices on the economy and the environment ? Why is the rate of unemployment in Switzerland lower than in Italy? This textbook provides an introduction to the basics of economics and illustrates how a few selected economic concepts can help to provide competent answers to such questions. The book focuses on the educational objectives of the Swiss secondary level II and comprehensively covers the subjects in the curriculum. Economics is also suitable for advanced occupational training and further education courses.