
Onlinematerials «Society – Handbook for Teachers»

Videos and Links

2: Money an Consuming

- Page 49: Interview with Jil

3: Risk and Security

- Page 62

- Page 66: Interview with Michael (Audio)

4: Democracy and Participation

- Page 92: Interview with Rebekka (Audio)

- Page 99: «Tell me about Parliament»

- Page 108: The Swiss confederation. A brief guide

5: Switzerland in Europe and the World

- Page 120: Get Your Guide

6: Market and Economics

- Page 149: The pearl exchange (Video)

- Page 157: Levi Roots (Video) (Show only first 2 mins)

7: Global Challenges

- Page 167: Interview with Tobias

8: Housing and Lifestyles

- Page 205: Interview with Chris

9: Work and Future Prospects

- Page 217: Card Game

- Page 221: Interview with Laurent

- Page 225: Swiss Skills

- Page 231: Job interview

10: Culture and Art

- Page 246: Fountain

- Page 249: How Does Banksy Make Money?

- Page 251: PowerPoint Presentation

Due to licenses under image law, the works of art mentioned in the PowerPoint are not displayed directly, but must be inserted manually by the teachers via the link.

- Page 251: What makes art valuable?

- Page 252: Interview with Ayleen

- Page 254: Interview with Eric

- Page 259: Visit a virtual museum

11: Media

- Page 269: Bilder im Fokus: Wirklichkeit oder Illusion?

- Page 269: Bildmanipulation

- Page 270: How to spot AI-generated images

- Page 273: You Won't Believe What Obama Says In This Video

- Page 273: What are deepfakes and are they dangerous?

- Page 278: CNN

- Page 278: Fact checking online is more important than ever

- Page 278: The (almost) complete history of 'fake news'